and fourteen, three hundred and fifteen, three hundred and
sixteen, three hundred and seventeen, three hundred and
eighteen, three hundred and nineteen, three hundred and
twenty, three hundred and twenty-one, three hundred and
twenty-two, three hundred and twenty-three, three hundred
and twenty-four, three hundred and twenty-five, three hun-
dred and twenty-six, three hundred and twenty-seven, three
hundred and twenty-eight and three hundred and twenty-
nine, of Article four, of the Code of Public Local Laws, of
the city of Baltimore, entitled, "Fish," and also the act of
eighteen hundred and sixty-four, chapter three hundred and
sixty-nine, relating to the same, and to re-enact other sec-
tions in lieu thereof.
No. 193. An act to incorporate the Continental Life Insur-
ence Company.
No. 194. An act to repeal and re-enact sections five, twenty-
six and twenty-seven, of an act passed January session of
eighteen hundred and sixty-four, chapter three hundred and
forty-six, entitled, "an act to amend Article four, of the
Code of Public Local Laws, relating to the leasing of the
State Tobacco Warehouses, and the inspection of tobacco.
No. 195. An act to release certain claims of the State
against Collectors, Sheriff's and others to discontinue the
suits instituted for the recovery thereof.
No. 196. An act to provide for regulating the relation of
creditor and debtor between tha State and the Susquehanna
and Tide Water Canal Companies.
No. 197. An act to authorize the State's Attorneys for
Carroll county and Frederick county, to institute proceedings
to forfeit the charter of the President, Directors and Mana-
gers of the Westminister and Taneytown Turnpike Com-
No. 198. An act to repeal section one hundred and ninety-
nine of Article nine of the Code of Public Local Laws,
relating to Somerset county, entitled, "Sheriff," and in lieu
insert the following.
No. 199. An act to authorize Southey F. Miles, of Somer-
set county, to erect gates on the county road in said county.
No. 200. A supplement to an act, entitled, "an act to
incorporate a Company to make a turnpike road from Hagers-
town, in Washington county, to the Pennsylvania line,
December session eighteen hundred and four-six, chapter
three hundred and thirty-three.