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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 43   View pdf image
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AN ACT to Incorporate the Baltimore and Hamp-
den Passenger Railway Company;

Passed March
8, 1866.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That John N. McJilton., Perry Sny-
der, D. C. H. Emory, Henry Shirk, Alien S. Bar-
num, Henry Mankin and Thomas S. Alexander,
be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners
to take subscriptions to the capital stock of the
Baltimore and Hampden Passenger Railway Com-
pany hereby incorporated, and they or a majority
of them, may cause books to be opened at such
times and places, and for such period or periods,
and with such notice as they may deem expedient,
and may re-open the same from time to time for
the purpose of receiving subscriptions to said capi-
tal stock, and if any of the above named Commis-
sioners shall die, resign, or refuse to serve, another
or others may be appointed in his or their stead,
by a majority of the remaining Commissioners. .

ers appointed.

Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the subscribers
to said stock, and their successors and assigns, shall
be and they are hereby declared to be incorporated
into a company by the name of the Baltimore and
Hampden Passenger Railway Company, and by
that name shall be capable in law of purchasing,
holding, selling, and conveying . property real,
personal and mixed, as far as shall be necessary
for the purposes hereinafter mentioned, and no
further, and shall have perpetual succession, and
by such corporate name .may sue and be sued, and
may have and use a common seal, which they
shall have power to alter and renew at their plea-
sure, and shall have and enjoy, and may exercise
all the rights, powers and privileges incident and
necessary to the purposes of said corporation, as
created by this act.

rights and

Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the subscrip-
tions to the capital stock of said company shall be
in shares of twenty dollars each, to such amounts
as the Commissioners aforesaid or the President
and Directors when elected, or & majority of them,
may deem necessary, not exceeding five thousand
shares, and upon every subscription there shall

to capital stock


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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 43   View pdf image
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