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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 42   View pdf image
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at which it may be passed, shallimmediateiy afte.r
its .passage be published once in each of three suc-
cessive weeks in all the newspapers of the respec-
tive counties in which it may operate ; and in case
there is no newspaper published in any county,
then in such manner as the County Commissioners
of sa'id county may direct, and in case any such
law is to operate in the city of Baltimore, then
once in each week for three successive weeks in
such daily newspapers published in said city as
the Mayor thereof may direct; and the Mayor and
City Council, of Baltimore, and the County Com-
missions of the several counties, shall provide for
payment of the expenses of such publication.

Duty of Sec-
retary of Sen-
ate and Chief
Clerk of House
of Delegates.

3. A certified copy of every Public Local
Law made to take effect as aforesaid, shall imme-
diately after its passage be transmitted by mail,
by the Secretary of the Senate, (if the same ori-
ginated in the Senate,) and by the Chief Clerk of
the House of Delegates, (if the same originated in
the House of Delegates,) to the County Commis-
sioners of the county or counties in which the same
may operate, or to the Mayor of the city of Balti-
more, if the same is to operate in that city; and
it shall be the duty of the said County Commis-
sioners and Mayor, upon receipt of such certified
copy, to have the same published as provided in
the preceding section.

4. A certified copy of every Public General
Law made to take effect as aforesaid, shall be
transmitted by mail, by the Secretary of the Sen-
ate, (if the same originated' in the Senate,) and by
the Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates, (if the
same originated in the House of Delegates,) to
such two daily newspapers of the city of Balti-
more, and one newspaper in each county, having
the largest circulation, (if there be a newspaper
published in said county,) as the President of the
Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates
may respectively designate for publication, as
provided; in the first section of this Article.

In force.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this
act shall take effect from the date of its passage.

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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 42   View pdf image
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