into the body of the Statute Law of Maryland,
agreeably to the report thereof made by the late
William Kely , Chancellor, under the direction of
the General Assembly, which said collection with
annotations thereon, is about to be published by
Julian J. Alexander, of the city of Baltimore;
provided, the price thereof shall not exceed ten
dollars per copy; and provided further, any three
Judges of the Court of Appeals shall certify under
their hands that the said collection is a faithful
collection of said Statutes, and deserves the pat-
ronage of the State; and the Librarian is further
directed to distribute the same number of copies of
said collection of Statutes, and in the same way
as the copies of the Maryland Reports are now
authorized by law to be distributed, and the resi-
due to sell or exchange for such other books as
may be required, in the State Library; provided,
nevertheless, that he shall retain thirty-five copies
in the Library for the use thereof.
No. 9.
Resolutino authorizing the Librarian to sub-
scribe for two hundred and fifty copies of Cohen
and Lee's Digest of the decisions of the Court of
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the State Librarian be and he is hereby
authorized to subscribe in the name of the State,
for two hundred and fifty comes of Cohen and
Lee's Digest of the Decisions or the Court of Ap-
peals of this Estate; provided, that the price thereof
shall not exceed twelve dollars per copy; and pro-
vide further, that any three Judges of the Court
of Appeals shall certify under their hands and
seals, that in their opinion the said Digest is a
faithful Digest the said Decisions, and deserves the
patronage of the State; and the Librarian is
further directed to distribute the same number of
copies of said Digest and in the same way as the
Assented to
March 6, 1865.