at such times, in such manner and upon such terms,
as they in their discretion may direct and appoint,
and also to d.eclare and. pay annual or semi-annual
dividends of the net profits of the company, and
generally to do such acts and pass all such rules
and regulations for the benefit of said company or
the well ordering of its business as they may think
proper, the same, not being contrary to law; and
in case of any vacancy, happening in the Presi-
dency and Directory of the company, the remaining
Directors shall fill the same by choosing a Presi-
dent or Director, as the case may be, from the
stockholders, to serve until the next election ; and
for the transaction of any business hereby confided
to the President and. Directors; a majority of them
shall be a quorum.
In force.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage, and shall
continue in force for twenty years from the date
of its passage, and may be amended, altered or re-
pealed by the G-eneral Assembly at its pleasure.
Passed Feb.
10, 1865.
AN ACT to amend an act passed at January ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, entitled,
an act to authorize the Vestry of Saint Peter's
Church in the town of Salisbury, in Somerset
county, to take and hold a lot of land devised
by the last will and testament of William
Henry Dulany, by adding a preamble and addi-
tional sections.
WHEREAS, By the will of William Henry Du-
lany, of Somerset county, the said William Henry
Dulany, did devise as follows ; The house and lot
in said town of Salisbury, now occupied by Wil-
liam Birchhead, I give, devise and bequeath to
Benjamin Parsons, Jehu Parsons, John White
and others, the Trustees of the Protestant B pis-