vacancy or to fill any vacancy caused by death
resignation or otherwise, the Board of Trustees
may supply the place by appointing a citizen of
the particular State which is not represented in
the Board by reason of such vacancy.
To make a
Sec. 7. Be it enacted, That the Board of Trus-
tees shall make a report at the end of said fiscal
year of the condition and management of the
cemetery, which report shall contain a detailed
statement of the receipts and expenditures of the
corporation, and a copy thereof shall be forwarded
to the Governor of each State represented in the
Sec. 8. Be it enacted, That the expenses inci-
dent to the removal of the dead, enclosing and orna-
menting the cemetry, and all the work connected
therewith, and its future maintenance shall be
apportioned among the States, connecting them-
selves with the corporation according to their
population as indicated by their representation in
the House of Representatives of the United States.
May adopt
by-laws, &c.
Sec. 9. Be it enacted, That the Board of Trus-
tees shall adopt such by-laws, rules and regula-
tions as they may deem necessary for their meet-
ing and government, and for the government of
their officers, agents and employees, and for ,the
care and protection of the cemetery grounds and
the property of the corporation, said by-laws,
rules and regulations to be consistent with act of
incorporation and with the laws.
from taxation.
Sec. 10. Be it enacted, That the grounds and
property of said cemetery shall be forever free
from the levy of any State, county or municipal
taxes, and the State of Maryland hereby releases
and exempts the corporation created by this act of
Assembly, from the payment of any tax or taxes
whatever that might be imposed by existing laws,
all the laws of this State now in force, or which
may hereafter be enacted for the protection of
cemeteries, burial grounds and places of sepulcher
shall apply with full force and effect to the Antie-
tam National Cemetery, hereby incorporated im-
mediately from and after the passage of this act.
May receive
tions, &c.
Sec. 11. Be it enacted, That the corporation
shall have power to receive appropriations from