the United States, and from the State Legisla-
tures, and also devises and bequests, gifts, annui-
ties and all other kinds of property, real and per-
sonal, for the purposes of the burial of the dead,
enclosing and ornamenting the grounds, and
maintaining the same and erecting a monument
or monuments therein.
Sec. 12. Be it enacted, That said Board of Trus-
tees shall appoint a keeper of the cemetery, whose
duty it shall be to protect the property thereof, to
make all needful and necessary repairs, to plant,
cultivate and preserve the trees and shrubbery
from injury, to prevent the defacement or mutila-
tion of the tombstones and monuments, and to
hold the keys and have the general superinten-
dence of the grounds, admission of visitors and all
the interior arrangements of said cemetery, said
keeper shall receive such compensation for his ser-
vices as the Board of Trustees shall determine,
and any person who shall injure or destroy any of
the trees or shrubbery, or mutilate or destroy, or
remove any ornament, tombstone or monument in
said said cemetery or the enclosure thereof, shall
on conviction thereof before any Justice of the
Peace, be fined not less than five dollars nor more
than fiftydollars, to be recovered as small debts
are recoverable.
A keeper to
be appoined.
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That the sum of
seven thousand dollars is hereby appropriated for
the purpose of the purchase of the lot of ground
selected for said cemetery, and towards enclosing
and ornamenting the same in the manner herein-
before indicated, which appropriation is subject to
the order of the Governor, and after so much
thereof as is necessary to pay for the lot so pur-
chased, and the cost of examining and conveying
its title to said Trustees is used for that purpose,
the residue of said appropriation shall from time
to time be paid over upon the warrant of the Gov-
ernor to the Trustees aforesaid, upon their requi-
sition to him, stating the amount required and
the particular purpose for which it is to be used.
Sum appro-
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That should the title
to the lot already purchased as aforesaid, in the
judgment of the Governor and the Trustees above
named appear to be defective, the said Trustees
are hereby authorized to purchase another lot of
May purchase
another lot.