stantial stone wall not less than four lect high or
with an iron fence, as said Trustees may think
best, and to ornament, divide and arrange into
suitable plots and burial lots, establish carriage
ways, avenues and foot ways, erect buildings and
a monument or monuments and suitable marks to
designate, the graves, and generally to do all
things in their judgment necessary and proper to
be done to adapt type grounds to the use for which
it has been purchased and set apart.
Sec. 5. Be it enacted, That the aforesaid Trus-
tees, with any other that may in the meantime be
appointed by other States, shall hold their first
meetings in the town of Hagerstown, in Washing-
ton county, on the first Monday in May next, qr
as soon thereafter as practicable, and organize by
electing one of their number President, they shall
also appoint a Secretary and Treasurer, and shall
have power to employ such other officers and
agents as may be needful , they shall require the
Treadurer to bond to the corporation in doable the
probable amount of money that may be in his
hands at any time during his term of office, with
two or more sufficient sureties conditioned for the
faithful discharge of his duties and the correct
accounting for and paying over of the money, said
bond or bonds to be approved by the Circuit Court
of Washington county, and recorded in the Clerks
office of said county, the term of office of the
officers of the Board of Trustees aforesaid, Shall
expire on the first day of January of each and
every year, or as soon thereafter as their successors
may be duly chosen and qualified to act.
First meetings
of Trustees.
Sec. 6. Be it enacted, That at the first meeting
of said Trustees, they shall be divided by lot into
three clashes, and the term of office of the first
class shall expire on the first day of January,
eighteen hundred and sixty-six; the second class
on the first day of January eighteen hundred and
sixty-seven, and the third class on the first day of
January, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, the
vacancies thus occurring shall be filled by the
Governors of the States, which the said Trustees
represented, and the persons thus appointed to fill
such vacancies shall hold their office as Trustees
for,the term of three years, in case of the neglect
or failure of the Governor of any State to fill such
Trustees to be
divided into