Title vested
in Maryland.
Sec. 2. Be it enacted, That said lot of ground
purchased by the Governor, as set forth in the
foregoing preamble, rest and remain in tlie State
of Maryland, in fee simple, in trust for all
the States that shall participate as hereinafter
provided, and said lot of ground shall be devoted
in perpetuity for the purpose of the burial, and
final resting place of the remains of the soldiers
who fell at the battle of Antietam or at otter
points North of the Potomac river during the in-
vasion of Lee, in the summer and fall of eighteen
hundred and sixty-two, or died thereafter in con-
sequence of wounds received in said battle or
during said invasion.
Sec. 3. Be it enacted, That Thomas A. Boult,
Augustus A. Biggs, Edward Shriver and Charles
C. Fulton, Trustees of the State of Maryland, and
one Trustee from each of the other States to be
appointed by the Governor of their respective
States, be and they are hereby created a body
politic in law, Under the name, style and title of
the Antietam National Cemetery, and by that
name, style and title, shall have perpetual suc-
cession, and be able and capable in law to have
and use a common seal, to sue and be sued, plead
and be impleaded, in all courts of law and equity,
and to whom shall be conveyed in trust for the
purpose above recited, the lot of ground so pur-
chased as aforesaid, said Trustees shall have all
the incidental authority necessary to carry into
effect the object of their incorporation.
of grounds.
Sec. 4. Be it enacted, That the care and man-
agement of the grounds referred to in the pream-
ble and second section of this act, are hereby en-
trusted solely to the Trustees mentioned in the
third section of the same, together with other
Trustees that may be appointed by the other
States and their successors, and it shall be their
duty, out of funds that may come into their
hands by State appropriations or otherwise, to
remove the remains of all the soldiers referred to
in the second section of this act, and to have their
properly interred in the aforementioned grounds,
the remains of the soldiers of the Confederate
army to be btiried in a part of the grounds sepa-
rate from those of the Union army, also to lay out
and enclose said grounds with a good and sub-