the salary of the State Reporter, five hundred dol-
lars ; for the State's subscription to two-hundred
copies of the two volumes of the Decisions of the
Court of Appeals, two thousand dollars.
To the Adjutant General of Militia, two thou-
sand dollars ; to the Armorer, at Easton, three
hundred dollars ; to the Armorer at Frederick,
three hundred dollars ; for the payment of pensions
granted by the resolution of the General Assembly,
two thousand five hundred dollars.
For the Mi-
To the State Tobacco Inspections in Baltimore,
for the salaries' of the Inspectors, twenty-five hun-
dred dollars each, twelve thousand five hundred
dollars ; for insurance on tobacco warehouses, six
hundred dollars ; for the payment of the annual
ground rent on the tobacco warehouse lot in the
city of Baltimore, four hundred forty-eight dollars
eleven cento.
For Inspec-
For donation to colleges, academies and schools,
thirty thousand dollars ; provided, that the appro-
priation for the Saint John's College shall not
take effect until the Governor shall certify to the
Comptroller that the collegiate deparment of
Saint John's College is in effective operation, to
the payment of the several sums of money to be
distributed among the counties, according to law;
for the use of free schools, including the bonus
from banks, dividends from stocks, standing to the
credit of the free school fund, and so much of the
tax on passengers on the Washington Branch of
the Baltimore and Ohio railroad as has been sub-
stituted for the surplus revenue; seventy-five thou-
sand dollars; to the education of the indigent
blind, in addition to the fund already accumulated
for that purpose, six thousand dollars; to educa-
tion of deaf and dumb, five thousand dollars; to
the Agricultural College, six thousand dollars;
For schools
and colleges.