AN ACT to exempt from taxation the property of
The General Workingmen's Relief Society and
The General Workingmen's Sick Belief Union
Charitable and Beneficial Societies of the city
of Baltimore.
Passed March
24, 1866.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the premises now known as
number twenty-eight North Gay street, and the
premises now known as number one hundred and
fifty-two West Fayette street, in the city of Balti-
more, the ground, buildings and appurtenances
thereto belonging, the property of The General
Workingmen's Relief Society and The General
Workingmen's Sick Relief Union Charitable and
Beneficial Societies, be and the same ate hereby
exempted from taxation.
Exempted from
Sec 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to repeal Article seventy-one of the
Code of Public General Laws, entitled, "Oys-
ters; regulating the taking and catching of
oysters within the waters of this State, and to
re-enact the same with amendments thereto.
Passed March
22, 1865.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland That Article seventy-one of the Code
of Public General Laws, entitled, " Oysters," re-
gulating the taking and catching of ousters within
the waters of this State, be and the same is hereby
repealed, and the following enacted in lieu thereof:
1. That no person shall take or catch oysters
within the waters of this State, for sale, with a
Required to
obtain license.