said, it shall and may be lawful for them to
appoint such and so many toll gatherers as they
shall think proper, to collect and receive of or
from any person or persons using said road or
roads, the tolls and rate per mile, the same to be
regulated by the President and Managers of said
company; provided, that the rates and tolls so
regulated shall not exceed those of other roads of
like nature in this State, and stop any person
riding, leading or driving any horses, mules,
oxen, coaches, cart, wagon, wain or sled, cattle,
hogs, sheep, sulky, chaise, pheaton or other car-
riage of pleasure or burden from passing through
said gates until the tolls for the said passage shall
have been paid ; provided, that no toll gate shall
be erected within one mile from the taxable limits
of Rockville in Montgomery county or any town
or village through which said road may pass.
May make by-
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That this company
may make a code of by-laws for their own govern-
ment, and adopt such measures as will best suit
their own affairs, consistent with this charter.
Shares — how
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That at all meetings
of the stockholders, a majority of the stock re-
presented by the stockholders present shall decide
all questions before them, no stockholder shall
have less than one vote nor, more than five votes
according to the amount of stock held by him, her
or them, and the votes shall be rated as follows,
viz: one vote to each stockholder owning ten shares
or less, one additional vote for ten shares above
ten, and to the extent of thirty shares, and one
additional vote for twenty shares above thirty
shares; and one additional vote for all above fifty
shares; five votes for all who own orer fifty shares,
and no shareholder shall be allowed more than
five votes.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the General
Assembly reserves to itself the right to alter,
amend or repeal this act at pleasure.