scoop, drag or dredge, rakes, tongs, or any other
instrument whatever, without having first obtain-
ed a license, as hereinafter provided.
By whom to
be issued, &c.
2. That such license, except such as may be is-
sued to tongsmen, shall be issued by the Comp-
troller of the Treasurer, and shall specify the name
of the vessel to be used in taking and catching
oysters; the name of owner and master thereof;
the county or city of which such owner and master
are citizens; the tonnage of the vessel, and the
amount paid for the license; and shall authorize
said vessel to be used in taking and catching oys-
ters with scoop, drag, dredge, and any other in-
strument, from the first day of September, of each
and every year, to the first day June following,
within the waters of the Chesapeake bay, and not
within any other bay, river, creek, strait or
sound, and not on any oyster bed or rock on or
about Tally's Point, Sandy Point, Hackett's Point,
Thomas' Point, the Three Sisters, on the western
side of the Chesapeake bay, and not within the
Chesapeake bay where the water is less than fifteen
feet deep ; provided,
Applicant re-
quired to make
3. That no license shall be issued to any person
other than a resident of this State, and the appli-
cant for such license shall first make oath before
the Comptroller of the Treasury that he is a bona
fide owner or master of the vessel to be described
in the license for which he is an applicant, that he
has been a resident of this State at least twelve
months immediately preceding the day on which
he applies for such license, and that he will well
and faithfully obey and comply with all the pro-
visions of the laws of this State, regulating the
taking and catching of oysters, and that he will,
to the best of his ability, aid in the enforcement of
such laws, and shall also produce before the Comp-
troller the enrollment or license of such vessel,
under such rules and regulations as the Comp-
troller may have previously prescribed.
Bate of li-
cense per ton.
4. That the applicant, before obtaining such
license, shall pay therefor at the rate of five dol-
lars per ton for every ton said vessel may measure,
according to its Custom House enrollment or li-
cense ; and it shall be the duty of every such ap-
plicant to have said license framed, and so set or