and consent of a convention of the two branches
of the City Council, appoint two of the five mem-
bers of the Board of Directors of the said company,
and that the charter of the said company be and
the same is hereby altered and amended conform-
ably to the change hereby made in the same.
Increase of
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That should the num-
ber of Directors constituting the said Board of
Directors be at any time hereafter increased on
the part of the stockholders, those of the city of
Baltimore shall be increased in like proportion.
When in force,
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from and on its acceptance by the stock-
holders representing a majority of said stock.
Passed March
21, 1866.
AN ACT appropriating the interest to be received
from the sale of the scrip donated by the United
States to the State of Maryland for the benefit
of Agriculture, by the Act of Congress, approved
second session, eighteen hundred and sixty-four,
and t6 amend the charter of the Maryland Agri-
cultural College, by adding additional members
to the Board of Trustees.
Interest of
scrip appropri-
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That after the Comptroller shall have
sold the said scrip and invested the proceeds there-
of as provided by the act of the General Assembly,
passed at January session, eighteen hundred and
sixty-four, chapter ninety, the annual interest or
income of said investment shall be regularly paid
by him without diminution to the Maryland Agri-
cultural College, and the leading object of said
college shall be, without excluding other scientific
and classical studies, and including military tac-
tics, to teach such branches of learning as are re-
lated to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in or-
der to promote the liberal and practical education