AN ACT to amend section twenty, Article four of
Public Local Laws and to re-enact the same so
as to read as follows :
Passed March
24, 1865.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That section twenty of Article
four of the Public Local Laws be amended and re-
enacted so as to read as follows :
20. The City Council shall meet on the third
Monday in January in each year, but the Mayor
may summon them to convene whenever and as
often as it may appear to him that the public good
may require their deliberations; two-thirds of each
branch shall be a quorum to do business, but a
smaller number may adjourn from day to day.
City Council
to meet.
AN ACT to amend the charter of the Western
Maryland Railroad Company so as to give to
the city of Baltimore two Directors therein.
Passed March
3, 1865.
WHEREAS by a compact between the city of Bal-
timore and the Western Maryland Bailroad Com-
pany, the said city, in consideration of its loan to
the said company, became entitled to a permanent
representation of two members of the Board of
Directors of the said company, but the mode to
which the said Directors are to be appointed re-
mains to be provided for by an amendment of the
charter of the said company, therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, shall in the month of Octo-
ber eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and annually
thereafter, nominate, and by and with the advice
Directors to
be appointed.