and they shall also deposit with said Clerk the
bodks of registration provided for in the second
section of this act, to be by him safely kept and
preserved among the records of said court, subject
to the dispositions hereinafter provided.
Sec. 13. Be it enacted, That the said offi-
cers of registration while discharging the duties
imposed by this act, shall have and exercis« the
powers of a Justice of the Peace for the preserva-
tion of order around the place of registration, may
compel the attendance of witnesses for purpose of
ascertaining the qualifications of persons regis-
tered, they shall have power to issue summons,
attachments and commitments to any Sheriff or
Constable, who shall serve such process as if
issued by a Judge of the Circuit Court or a Jus-
tice of the Peace, and shall receive the same fees
and in the same manner as allowed by law in
State cases, but the officers of registration shall
not charge any fee for the issue of such process,
or receive any fee or emolument for this or any
other service they may perform in the proper dis-
charge of their duties, except that provided in the
first and second sections of this act.
Invested with
Sec. 14. Be it enacted, That for the purpose of
correcting said list of qualified voters, after the
first general election held under this act, by the
addition of the names and persons having come of
age, acquired legal residence, been naturalized or
otherwise, and by striking from such register of
voters the names of persons removed from the
county or State by death or other causes of dis-
qualification, there shall be designated or ap-
pointed by the Governor annually, one officer of
registration in like manner as hereinbefore men-
tioned, who shall be qualified in like manner, and
have and exercise all the powers herein conferred
on the three original officers of registration, so far
as shall be necessary for the correction of the list
of voters and the books of registration lendered
necessary by the provisions of sections three, four,
and five, of the first Article of the' Constitution,
and the action of the General Assembly.
Provision for
correction of
register of
Sec. 15. Be it exacted, That the said officer of
registration shall sit for the correction of the said
list of voters and the register of names, in the
Clerk to hand
over list.