ble after the said third Wednesday in September,
and before the second Saturday of October, to
make or cause to be made, an alphabetical list of
all the names of persons registered by them as
qualified voters, and cause the same to be printed
and made public by handbills set up in at least
ten of the most public places in their several
wards or election districts, and to publish the same
in at least two of the newspapers in the city of
Baltimore, one of which shall be published in the
German language, and in one newspaper in each
county, having the largest circulation, at least
two weeks before the Tuesday succeeding the first
Monday in November, accompanying said lists
with a notice for all persons interested to appear
before them at the place and during the hour of
registration on the Tuesday and Wednesday next
preceding the said Tuesday after the first Monday
in November, to show any omissions or other
Lists may be
errors in said lists, at which time the list of quali-
fied voters shall be corrected and finally closed,
and two fair copies of said corrected register of
votes shall be completed and one copy thereof shall
be lodged by the officers of registration with the
Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county and the
Clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore city, and
the other fair copy shall be delivered to the Judges
of election at or before nine o'clock of the morn-
ing of election, and in the city of Baltimore, they
shall separate lists into precincts; and it shall be
the duty of the officers of registration for the
several wards of the city of Baltimore, to prepare
their lists of voters according to the sub-divisions
of wards into precincts, registering the voters of
their several wards so as to designate the election
precinct of the ward in which they ate or shall be
entitled to vote, and shall deliver one copy of the
list of voters for such precinct to the Judges
of election for such precinct as hereinbefore pro-
Register to
be lodged with
Sec. 12. Be it enacted, That the officers of
the registration shall lodge with the said Clerks
of the Circuit Courts and the Clerk of the Superior
Court of Baltimore City, on or before the day of
election, one copy of the register of qualified
voters, which list shall be recorded by the said
Clerk among the records of the said Court, subject
to examination as other records of said Court,