manner psescribed in section eight of this act, and
for this purpose it shall be the duty of the Clerk
of the Circuit Court at such time to hand over the
said list and books to the said officer of registra-
tration, who shall proceed in the manner herein-
before mentioned to correct said list and book of re-
gistration, so that the names of all persons legally
entitled to vote shall appear thereon, and the
names of those disqualified shall appear on the book
of registration with the cause of disqualification, in
like manner as in the original registration, and
when he shall have completed his work, he shall
dispose of said lists and book as hereinbefore
provided for ; but said officer of registration shall
not put on the list of voters the name of any per-
son who was entered on the original book of re-
gistration as disqualified under the third, fourth,
or fifth sections of Article first of the Constitution,
without full legal proof that such disqualification
has been removed, in the manner prescribed in
said sections of said Article in the Constitution.
In case of
Sec. 16. Be it enacted, That if any person who
has been registered as a legal voter in one district
or precinct shall remove into another, he shall
take from the officer or officers, or the Clerk of the
court in which said lists or books may be depos-
ited, a certificate of the facts of his registration in
such district or precinct, and it shall be the duty
of the officers of registration to notify each other
of such removal, certificates and re-registration,
and unless the provisions of this section are com-
plied with, such person shall not be registered as
a legal voter in such district or precinct, and such
certificates shall be filed with the list of voters or
book of registration in the office of said Clerks.
In case of di-
vision of elec-
toral district.
Sec. 17. Be it enacted, That in case any coun-
ty or city shall be divided so as to form portions
of different electoral districts for the election
of Congressmen, Senator, Delegate or other officer
or officers, a person to be entitled to vote for such
officer or officers must have been a resident of that
part of the county or city in which he offers to vote
for six months next preceding the election, and be
registered therein as a qualified voter, but a per-
son who shall have acquired a residence in such
county or city and been registered as a qualified
voter, shall be entitled £o vote in the election dis-