date of their exhibition, and entering in the sixth
column the facts required in the third section of
this act.
Sec. 8. Be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of said officers of registration to enter in the said
register of qualified voters the name of every per-
son who shall apply to them to be registered, and
who shall satisfy them that he is qualified to vote
under the provisions of the first Article of the
Constitution and the laws of the State, or who
shall prove to their satisfaction that he will be of
age and so qualified to vote on or before the day
of the next ensuing election.
Qualified vo-
ters to be regis-
Sec. 9. Be it enacted, That it shall' be the duty
of the said officers of registration or a majority of
them, to meet and sit at some convenient place in
the several wards of the city of Baltimore and the
several election districts of the respective counties
for which they shall be appointed, the first Tues-
day and Wednesday of every week, from the first
Monday in August, to third Wednesday of Sep-
tember inclusive, for the purpose of discharging
their duties as officers of registration according to
the provisions of this act, and they shall give
notice of the time and place of meeting at least
ten days before the day of their first meeting, by
publication in three newspapers in the city of
Baltimore, one of which shall be published in the
German language, and one or more newspapers in
each county having the largest circulation, and
also by handbills posted at 'such public places as
they may select, in the several precincts in the
city of Baltimore and election districts of 'the
several counties, and in case of making a change
in the place of meeting, they shall at once publish
in said papers notice of such change as herein
prescribed, said notices and publications to be paid
for by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore,
and the County Commissioners of the several
Officers of
registration to
meet and times
of meeting.
Sec. 10. Be it enacted, That the said officers of
registration, for the purpose of facilitating them in
the discharge of their duty, shall sit on the days
of meeting for the purpose of registration from
nine o'clock until five o'clock, P. M.
Hour s of meet-