Sums appro-
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That for the expenditures in the
support of the Government, for the year ending
on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and
sixty-six, the following sums of money, or so
much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same
is hereby appropriated, in addition to the appro-
priations made under chapter three hundred and
seventy-four, of eighteen hundred and sixty-four,
that is to say for the salary of the Governor in
addition to the sum already appropriated, four
hundred dollars; for the salary of the Commis-
sioner of the Land Office, additional twelve hun-
dred and fifty dollars; for the salary of the State
Librarian, additional five hundred dollars; for the
salaries of the Judges of the Cqurt of Apeeals of
five thousand dollars; for the salaries of the Judges
of the first twelve circuits, sixteen thousand dol-
lars additional for the salary of the Judge of
the thirteenth judicial circuit, five hundred dollars
additional ; for salary of the Judge of the Superior
Court of Baltimore city, five hundred dollars addi-
tional ; for the salary of the judge of the Court
of Common Pleas of Baltimore city, five hundred
dollars additional ; for the sajary of the Judge of
the Criminal Court, Baltimore city, one thousand
dollars additional ; for the salaries of the five ad-
ditional Judges elected under the present Consti-
tution, from the date of their qualification, to
January first eighteen hundred and sixty-five,
fifteen hundred dollars ; for the salary of an addi-
tional Clerk to the Comptroller, twelve hundred
dollars ; for the salary of the Adjutant General of
Militia, one thousand dollars additional ; for the
salaries of the five Inspectors of Tobacco, six
thousand five hundred dollars ; for insurance on
the Tobacco Warehouses, one hundred dollars;
to Colleges, Academies and Schools, twenty-seven
thousand dollars; to the Education of the Indigent