colleges, under control of the Council of Univer-
sity of Maryland; the terms of admission to the
high schools shall be determined by the State
Board of .Education; the number of high schools
in the city of Baltimore shall be determined by
the Board of School Commissioners.
Sec. 2. Whenever the Board of School Com-
missioners of any two counties shall think it ex-
pedient, they may, with the consent of the Board
of Education, unite their funds, and establish at
some convenient and central location, a Union
High School, which shall be open to youth of both
Union High
Sec. 3. Such Union High Schools shall be gov-
erned by a joint committee, consisting of two
members of each County Board, and shall be sub-
ject to the visitation and examination equally of
the President of the Board of School Commission-
ers of each county, uniting to establish the School.
How govern-
Sec. 4. The State donations now made to
academies and schools, consisting of annual ap-
propriations to each county, and now divided
among several academies or paid to the School
Commissioners for the general school fund, shall
constitute, together with such other donations as
from time —— may be made, and annual appro-
priations by the County Board, a high school fund,
and be used by the Board of School Commission-
ers to aid in paying the salary of the Principal
and other Teachers of the high school.
How support-
Sec. 5. Suitable buildings for the high school,
together wifch a residence for the Principal, shall
be provided by the Board of School Commission-
Buildings for
high schools.
ers ; provided, however, that before proceeding to
locate the high school, the Board of Commission-
ers shall advertise and receive offers from the citi-
zens of any district or town, who may be in-
clined to provide suitable buildings, apparatus,
&c., in order to secure the location of the high
school in their neighborhood.
Sec. 6. These buildings shall be kept in repair
by, and the title vested in the Board of School
Commissioners; in all particulars concerning text
books, course of study, mode of discipline, the
high school shall be under the control of the State
Board of Education.
How kept in