Schedule of
books, &c., re-
quired each
year to be sent
to State Super-
Sec. 3. On the first day of July each year the
several Boards of City and County School Com-
missioners may send to the office of the State Su-
perintendent, a schedule of books and stationery
required for the use of schools in their cities and
counties, during the following school year, stating
when and in' what quantities they shall be for-
warded; bills of books forwarded shall be made
out and sent to the Board of School Commission-
ers, who shall immediately pay for the same.
Accounts, how
to be kept.
Sec. 4. The accounts for purchase and distribu-
tion of text books and stationery shall be kept
separate and distinct from all other accounts con-
nected with the office of the State Superintendent,
and a full statement of contracts, receipts and disr
bursements, shall be made annually to Governor
or General Assembly, and appended to the report
of said Superintendent.
Books, how to
ba distributed.
Sec. 6. The Boards of School Commissioners
shall decide how the text books and stationery
shall be distributed, and upon what terms they
shall be sold, or the use of them be granted to
pupils; provided, always, that if the District Com-
missioner is of opinion that the parent or guar-
dian of any pupil is unable to pay the expense of
books, he may then permit the use of books to
such pupil free of all charge.
Special Clerk
to be appoint-
Sec. 6. There shall be a special Clerk appointed
by the State Superintendent, who shall attend to
receiving and distributing text books and sta-
tionery, and shall keep all accounts connected
therewith, and perform such other duties as the
Superintendent may direct, receiving for his ser-
vices the sum of eight hundred dollars per annum,
payable quarterly by the Treasurer on the warrant
of the Comptroller, and the certificate of the Su-
Course of stu-
SECTION 1. There shall be for each county at least
one high school in which instruction shall be given
to males and females in the higher branches of
English and Scientific Education, and in the Latin
and Greek languages and Mathematics, sufficient
to prepare youth to enter any one of the State