To be visited
and examined.
Sec. 7. Each high school shall be visited and
examined annually by the State Superintendent or
a Professor of the State Normal School appointed
by him; they shall also be visited, at least once
each school term, by the President of the Board
of School Commissioners, who shall report quar-
terly to the Board the result of his observations,
making such suggestions as he may think will im-
prove the efficiency of the instruction and increase
the benefits which the school is designed to confer,
all of which shall be included in his Annual Re-
port to the State Superintendent.
Military drill.
Sec. 9. In every high school of the State, and,
if practicable, -in each college, military tactics
shall form a department of instruction, and the
General Assembly, from time to time, shall afford
all possible facilities to foster and render efficient
military instruction.
Annnal do-
nations contin-
SECTION 1 The annual donations to St. John's
College, Annapolis ; Washington College, Ches-
tertown; the Agricultural "College, in Prince
George's county, and the Baltimore Female Col-
lege, are continued until otherwise ordered by the
General Assembly, subject to the condition that
they shall afford tuition in all the branches taught,
and use of books free of charge, to one student for
every hundred dollars that such college receives
from the State ; in accordance with which require-
ments the further sum of seven hundred dollars,
in addition to the present donation, shall, on war-
rant of the Comptroller of the State, be annually
paid on the first day of April of each year, to the
President of the Board of Trustees of the Balti-
more Female College, for the support of said Insti-
tution, the above colleges shall report annually
to the State Superintendent, in such form as may
be ordered by the Board of Education, and comply
with all the other requirements of Article eighty-
four of the Code, entitled, "Schools, and of their
respective Charters."