and the Commissioner shall direct the division of
the pupils so as to form a graded School, the prin-
cipal Teacher instructing the higher classes.
Sec. 4. Public examinations shall be held in
each school once in each term, of which due no-
tice shall be given, that parents and others inter-
ested in public instruction may attend.
Sec. 5. Schools shall be kept open six hours
each day, except Saturday, and the hours for teach-
ing shall be regulated by the several District
Hours of ses-
Sec. 6. Any person who shall willfully disturb,
interrupt or disquiet any district school in ses-
sion, or any persons assembled with the permis-
sion of the District Commissioner in any district
school house for the purpose of giving or receiv-
ing instruction in any branch of education or
learning, shall forfeit twenty dollars for the benefit
of the school district.
Penalty for
Sec. 7. If any person convicted of the said of-
fence do not immediately pay the penalty, with
costs, the party so convicted shall be committed to
the jail of the county, there to be imprisoned
until the penalty and cost be paid, but not exceed-
ing thirty days.
To be impris-
Sec. 8. The school year shall be divided into
four terms, which shall be designated the Fall,
Winter, Spring and Summer Terms; the Fall
Term shall commence on the first day of Sep-
tember, and close on the fifteenth day of No-
vember; the Winter Term shall commence on
the sixteenth day of November, and close on th'e
thirty-first day of January; the Spring Term
shall commence on the first day of February, and
close on the fifteenth day of April; the Summer
Term shall commence on the sixteenth day of
School year,
how divided.
April, and close on the thirtieth day of June;
the months of July and August shall be vaca-
tion, and the following days shall be holidays,
viz: Thanksgiving day; from Christmas Eve to
the first day of January, inclusive ; Washington's
Birthday ; from the Friday before Easter to the
Monday after Easter, inclusive ; and Monday of
Whitsunday; these divisions of the year shall be
strictly adhered to throughout the State, and in
case it may be necessary to open a School for a
Divisions of
year to be ad-
hered to.