fraction of a term, it shall close at the end of the
term, and all accounts shall be settled at the
meeting of the School Commissioners, held at the
close of the term.
Teachers to
hold certif-
SECTION 1. No person shall be employed as a
Teacher under this law unless holding the certifi-
cate of qualification issued by an authorized ex-
aminer, or the diploma of graduate of the State
Normal School.
By whom ap-
Sec. 2. Teachers shall be appointed by the Dis-
trict Commissioner, and may be removed at any
time said Commissioner may think proper.
To keep Re-
Sec. 3. Teachers shall keep, prepare and enter
into Registers prepared for that purpose, an ac-
curate account of the attendance of pupils, text
books used, and branches taught, and such other
statistics as may be required, and make due return
thereof to the District Commissioner at the end of
each term ; and no Teacher shall be entitled, to
receive payment for services until the Regis-
ter, properly filled up and completed, be so re-
To teach mo-
rality, Ac.
Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of all Teachers, in
schools of every grade, to impress upon the minds
of youth committed to their instruction, the prin-
ciples of piety and justice, loyalty and sacred re-
gard lor truth, love of their country, humanity
and benevolence, sobriety, industry and chastity,
and those virtues which are the basis upon which
a Republican Constitution is founded ; and it shall
be the duties of such instructors to lead their pu-
pils into a clear understanding of the tendency of
these virtues, to preserve the blessings of liberty,
promote temporal happiness, and advance the
greatness of the American Nation.
Salaries, by
whom deter-
Sec. 5. Salaries of Teachers in the city of Bal-
timore and each county shall be fixed by the
Board of School Commissioners of the city and
the several counties.