Sites maybe
Sec. 3. Where lands shall be required for the
site of a school house, or for enlarging a school
house lot, and the Commissioner of the district
shall, from any cause, be unable to contract with
the owner thereof, the Board of School Commis-
sioners may apply for a writ of ad quod damnum to
the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the county or the
Superior Court for Baltimore city, as the case may
be, who shall forthwith issue the same, and the
Sheriff shall execute the said writ and return an
inquisition describing the land and stating the
amount of damages to be paid to the owner, and
the Judge for the Circuit Court for the county, or
of the Superior Court of Baltimore city, may at
any time after the return of the inquisition, in term
or during the recess, hear a motion to confirm such
inquisition, on such notice to the parties as he may
direct, and confirm or quash the same, and if he
quashes the inquisition, he shall order a new one
forthwith to be taken, but no lot so taken or en-
larged shall exceed in the whole one acre, including
the land occupied by the school buildings.
By whom paid
Sec. 4. In all cases when school house sites
are thus purchased or condemned, the cost thereof
shall be paid by the School Commissioners, as other
public school property is paid for.
School to be
kept six
SECTION 1. In every school district in each city
and county established as hereinbefore provided,
there shall be kept for at least six months, in each
year, one or more schools according to population,
which shall be free to all white youth over six
and under nineteen years of age.
What shall be
Sec. 2. In every district school there shall be
taught Authography, Reading, Writing, English
Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, the History of
the United States, and good behavior; Algebra,
Book-keeping, Natural Philosophy, Vocal Music,
Drawing, Physiology, the Laws of Health and of
Domestic Economy, shall also be taught when-
ever the District Commissioners shall deem it ex-
When to be
Sec. 3. Whenever a school numbers over sixty
children an Assistant Teacher shall be employed,