May subscribe
for School
Journals, &c.
Journals and Journals of Education as he may
consider valuable, file the same for reference, and
have them bound at the end of the year, at an
annual cost of not exceeding fifty dollars, and the
said sums are hereby annually appropriated, to be
paid by the Treasurer, upon warrant of the Com-
To be Prin-
cipal of Nor-
mal Schools.
School libra-
Sec. 10. The State Superintendent shall be
Principal ex officio of the State Normal School.
Sec. 11. He shall furnish from time to time a
list of books suitable for school district libraries,
and shall prescribe rules and regulations for the
arrangement of such libraries.
Sec. 12. He shall provide a seal with suitable
device for the use of the office of Public Instruc-
tion, by which copies of papers deposited or filed
therein, and all official acts and decisions may be
Traveling ex-
penses, &c.
Sec. 13. The State Superintendent shall be al-
lowed the amount expended for traveling and per-
sonal expenses in making official visits as required
by law, also all necessary contingent expenses for
books, postage and stationery, fuel and light,
printing of blanks, and other matters essential to
the organization of his office, and not otherwise
provided for in this law, said amounts to be paid
by the State Treasurer quarterly, upon warrant of
the Comptroller; the Superintendent to furnish a
bill accompanied with his affidavit, that the money
has been expended, but not to exceed eight hun-
dred dollars per annum.
When and by
whom appoint-
SECTION 1. On the first Monday in June, eigh-
teen hundred and sixty-five, the State Board of
Education shall appoint, to hold office four years,
such number of School Commissioners in each
County as the State Superintendent may direct.
Each Commissioner shall have the special charge of
such number of school districts, not less than fifteen,
as the State Superintendent may appoint, which
shall constitute and be designated Commissioner Dis-
tricts number one, number two, &c.; the annual
salary of each School Commissioner, and of each