all reports, and conducting all business under this
act, and shall cause the same, with necessary in-
structions, to be transmitted to the School Com-
missioners, who shall distribute the same.
Sec. 7. The State Board of Education shall
make such contracts for text books for the use of
the schools established by this act, as in their
judgment they may deem advisable, and the State
Superintendent shall superintend the issuing of
the books so contracted for, to the several Boards
of City and County School Commissioners, as they
may require them, but nothing in this section
shall be taken to prohibit the several Boards of
City and County. School Commissioners, or parents
of pupils from purchasing text books of the uni-
form series selected by the State Board of Educa-
tion from other parties, or in procuring them in
any other manner.
To contract
for text books.
Sec. 8. He shall decide, subject to appeal, to
the State Board of Education, and without cost to
the parties, all controversies or disputes that may
arise under this law, the facts of which contro-
versies or disputes shall be made known to him
by written statements by the parties thereto, veri-
fied by oath or affirmation, if required, and ac-
companied by certified copies of all documents ne-
cessary to a full understanding of the question in
To decide con-
dispute; provided, that nothing contained in this
section shall be construed as preventing any ques-
tions that may arise under this law, from being
subject to the jurisdiction of and being tried in the
courts of law of this State; and, provided further,
that nothing herein contained shall be construed
so as to give him jurisdiction in matters relating
to money, property or vested rights; the Superin-
tendent shall file and arrange in the order of
time, and keep in his office all proceedings, on
every appeal to or from him, including his and
their decisions, and orders founded thereon.
To file pro-
ceedings, &c.
Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the State Super-
intendent to collect in his office such school books,
apparatus, maps and charts, as can be obtained
without expense to the State, and also to purchase
at an expense not to exceed one hundred dollars a
year, rare and valuable works on education to be
used as books of reference for the benefit of
Teachers; he may also subscribe to such School
To collect
maps, charts,