President of every Board of School Commissioners,
shall be determined by the State Board of Educa-
tion, and paid by the County Commissioners as
other officers are paid.
Sec. 2. The person so appointed and their suc-
cessors are hereby declared to be a body politic and
corporate by the name and style of the Board of
School Commissioners of —— City or County, and
by that name shall have perpetual succession, and
shall be capable to sue and be sued, and to have
and use a common seal, and the same at their
pleasure to alter or break, and to exercise all the
Declared to
be a body poli-
powers and privileges hereby granted to or vested
in them; all property, estate and effects, all money,
all funds, all claims, all State donations, now
vested by law in any county or school district, any
Board of School Commissioners, any Board of
County Commissioners, any Board of Inspectors of
Primary Schools, any Trustee or Trustees of Pri-
mary Schools or any other body of persons whatso-
ever, for the use and benefit of public, primary,
free or high schools in the several counties or any
of them, are hereby vested in and transferred to
Property &c.,
vested in board
of School Com-
the Board of School Commissioners of the county ;
and it shall be the imperative duty of all the
parties aforesaid to convey, transfer and pay over,
all such property, estate and effects, all money, all
funds, all claims, all State donations to the said
Boards of School Commissioners, except such grant
or devise of lands, donations and bequests of money
or other personal property, designed as or now
constituting such permanent school fund, as the
State Board of Education may take and hold in
accordance with the provisions of section three,
chapter two, title one, and sections fifth and sixth,
chapter one, title four; if any of the parties afore-
said shall refuse to comply with the provisions of
this section, the Board of School Commissioners
shall immediately apply to the Judge of the Cir-
Property &c.,
to be conveyed
over to boards.
cuit Court for the writ of mandamus to compel
obedience thereto ; provided, nevertheless, that the
titles to all school houses and lots and all personal
effects now held by any Board of School Commis-
sioners, any Board of Inspectors of Primary
Schools, any Board of County Commissioners, any
county or school district, shall pass to the Board
of School Commissioners without any formal con-