Sec. 9. Be it enacted, Every Clerk except the
Clerk of the Court of Appeals, the emoluments of
whose office shall exceed the sum of two thousand
five hundred dollars in any one year, after deduct-
ing therefrom the necessary expenses incident to
his office for the same period shall pay the excess
to the Treasurer, and the Clerk of the Court of
Appeals shall pay the excess over the sum of three
thousand dollars after making the deductions afore-
said, and every such Clerk, the emoluments of
whose office shall not amount to the sum of two
thousand five hundred dollars in any one year as
aforesaid, may present a statement to the County
Commissioners of his county, or to the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore, as the case may be,
under oath, showing the net proceeds of his office,
together with a statement of the cost of the neces-
sary record books, stationery and fuel used in his
of office.