pedient by the said Mayor and City Council, to
establish a sinking fund adequate to the liquida-
tion or redemption of said bonds in a period not
exceeding twenty years, said tax to be levied and
collected as other taxes of said corporation are levied
and collected.
In force.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this act takes
effect and go into operation from the day of its
Passed Feb.
10, 1865.
AN ACT relating to the division of the real estate
of James D. Wilds, late of Kent county, Dela-
ware, situate in Queen Anne's county, Mary-
WHEREAS, it has been represented by petition to
the General Assembly of Maryland, by some of the
parties interested, that James D. Wilds, late of
Kent county, Delaware, died, seized and possessed
of a large estate in Delaware, and that one of the
farms belonging to his estate, lies partly in Dela-
ware and partly in Maryland, that Commissioners
have been, or are about being appointed by a court
of record of Kent county aforesaid to make parti-
tion of said real estate, among the heirs at law;
and that it would facilitate said partition, and pro-
mote the interest of said heirs at law, if said Com-
missioners were appointed and authorized to in-
clude in said division the part of said real estate
lying over the Delaware and Maryland line in Ma-
to convey.
SECTION 1. Therefore be it enacted, by the Gene-
ral Assembly of Maryland, That the Commission-
ers now appointed, or who shall be appointed by
a court of record in Kent county, Delaware, to
make partition of the real estate lying in Dela-
ware, of the said James D. Wilds, be and they are