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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 18   View pdf image
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Passed Feb,
10, 1865.

A Bill entitled, AN ACT to Incorporate the Poco-
moke Bridge Company.

ers appointed.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That William J. S. Clarke, John
T. B. McMaster, William S. Dickinson, James H.
Young, William T. Hargis, Samuel Corton and
William B. Corton be and they are hereby appoint-
ed Commissioners for the purpose hereinafter men-
tioned, with power to supply any vacancy that may
occur in their body by death, resignation or other-
wise; that is to say, that they or a majority of
them, after giving at least fifteen days notice by
publication in such newspapaper and by such other
mode as they, in their discretion, shall deem most
conducive to the interest of their enterprize, shall
open a book or books at such place or places as
they may designate, for receiving subscriptions to
to the capital stock to construct a bridge across the
Pocomoke river, in Worcester and Somerset coun-
ties, at or near the site of the present ferry, known
as "Stevens' Ferry," and thereupon they or a ma-
jority of their board shall proceed to receive sub-
scriptions to the capital stock of the company by
this act incorporated, the said stock to be limited
to forty-five thousand dollars, to be divided into
shares of one hundred dollars each, and the said
books shall be kept open as long as the said Com-
missioners or a major ity of them shall deem prudent.

President and
Directors to be

Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That as soon as one
hundred shares of the capital stock of the company
created by this act shall have been subscribed, the
said Commissioners or a majority of them, shall
call a meeting of the subscribers to said capital
stock, who shall proceed in person to the election
by ballot of 6ne President and four Directors from
among their own body, to manage the affairs of
said company for one year from the day of their
election, and until a new President and Directors
shall be elected and qualified.


Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said stock-
holders, their associates and successors, from the
day of their first meeting, as hereinbefore provided
for, shall and they are hereby declared to be a


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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 18   View pdf image
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