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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 19   View pdf image
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body corporate and politic, by the name, style and
title of the "Pocomoke Bridge Company," and by
that name shall have succession, may sue and be
sued, plead andbe impleaded, answer and be answer-
ed unto, in any court of law or equity in this State.


Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the President
and Directors shall meet at such times and places
as they, or a majority of them, shall agree upon,
for the transaction of the business of the company,
a majority of the whole board being a quorum, and
in the absence of the President the Directors pre-
sent may choose a chairman from among their own
body, and they shall keep a full and correct minute
of their proceedings fairlj entered in a book to be
kept for that purpose.

Transaction of

Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That in case any va-
cancy shall occur in the board of President and
Directors, by death, resignation or otherwise, the
Directors shall supply such vacancy by appoint-
ment of such Directors from among the stockhold-
ers, to serve the remainder of the term which said
vacancy had occasioned, and said President and
Directors shall have full power and authority to
appoint a Treasurer and all other officers they shall
deem necessary, and shall determine the nature
and amount of surety to be given by any such offi-
cer, and they shall have full power and authority
to make and establish all such by-laws, rules and
regulations not inconsistent with the Constitution
and Laws of the United States and this State, that
shall or may be necessary for the well being, or-
dering and directing the officers of said company.

Vacancies —
how filled.

Sec. 6. Andbe it enacted, That the stockholders
of said company, in one year from and after the day
on which the first election for President and Direc-
tors shall be held, as hereinbefore provided for, and
on the same day in every second year thereafter,
except the same shall happen on Sunday, and in
that case on the succeeding day, shall elect by bal-
lot, from among the said stockholders, one President
and four Directors to serve for one year from the
day of their election and until the election of their
successors, and the President and Directors for the
time being shall give public notice for a new elec-
tion at least fifteen days previous to the expiration
of the time for which they are elected, and in eve-
ry election aforesaid, each stockholder shall be en-

Election of

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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 19   View pdf image
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