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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 17   View pdf image
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powers in regard to the collection of Wharfage and
of fines and penalties as any Harbor Master within
the said city.



AN ACT to add an additional section to Article
thirty of the Code of Public General Laws in
relation to Larceny.

Passed Feb.
16, 1865.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the following section be and
the same is hereby added to the thirtieth Article
of the Code of Public General Laws, to be arranged
so as to come after section one hundred and four of
said Article:

Section added.

Sec. 105. If any person shall feloniously steal,
take and carry away any pipe, water fixture or gas
fixture, or any other article or thing of value attach-
ed to or a part of any store, shop, dwelling house,
tobacco house or warehouse, whether the same be oc-
cupied or not, or if any person shall enter any store,
shop, dwelling house, tobacco house or warehouse
and shall feloniously sever or separate from the free-
hold any pipe, water fixture, or gas fixture or any
other article or anything attached or affixed thereto,
with intent to feloniously steal, take and carry
away the same or any part thereof, he shall be
deemed guilty of felony, and shall be punished by
imprisonment in the county or city jail or the
penitentiary at the discretion of the court, for not
less than one year nor more than eight years, and
it shall not be necessary to charge in the indict-
ment that the article or things were attached or
affixed to or a part of the free-hold.

Declared fel-


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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 17   View pdf image
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