pursuant to the provisions hereinbefore contained,
provided, however, that the said corporation shall ,
so long as they retain said premises, reserve and
set apart a suitable space to be used for the ordina-
ry purposes of said Corn and Flour Exchange, on
such terms and under such rules and regulations
as the Directors may prescribe.
Authorized to
receive sub-
Sec. 8. And be it enacted. That the persons here-
inbefore named as Directors are hereby authorized
by themselves, or by a committee to be appointed
from their number, to receive subscriptions to the
capital stock of said corporation, at such times and
places in the said city of Baltimore as they may
appoint, by giving at least one week's public notice
thereof, in two daily newspapers published in said
city, and the persons who at the time of giving
such notice, may be subscribers to the room used
for the purpose of a Corn and Flour Exchange and
reading room for the purpose as aforesaid.
to pay annual
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That all persons trans-
acting business in the city of Baltimore, and who
shall fee known to have a place of business in the
city of Baltimore, who subscribe and pay in ad-
vance ten dollars, and contract to pay ten dollars
in advance thereafter annually, shall be considered
as owning one share of stock in said company,
whilst so subscribing and paying in advance, to be
forfeited to the corporation when he ceases to pay
the same annually in advance; provided, that noth-
ing herein contained shall prevent the Directors
from fixing, in their discretion, the annual pay-
ment in advance, at a sum not less than five dol-
lars nor more than twenty dollars, to each indi-
vidual subscriber, thereby constituting him a stock-
holder or subscriber; the funds of the corporation
hereby created, shall be alone responsible for the
debts and contracts of the corporation hereby crea-
Banking pro-
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That nothing herein
contained shall be so construed as to authorize or
empower this corporation to issue any notes, cer-
tificates, device or other evidence of debt to be used
as currency.
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the corpora-
tion hereby created, shall continue in force for
thirty years from the date hereof, the right being