each share having: one vote; and if from any cause
such election shall not be then so held, the said
corporation shall no be deemed dissolved, but such
election shall be held within six months thereafter,
notice of the time and place of every such election
shall be published for one week preceding the day
appointed therefor, in two of the daily newspapers
printed and published in the city of Baltimore.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the first Direc-
tors shall be William Chestnut, Thomas Whit-
ridge, Joseph 0. Ford, Francis White, Robert
Tyson, George Small, James A. Hooper, B. F.
Phillips, Luther J. Cox, Jr., P. H. Macgill,
Samuel Duer, James B. Clark, M. Roberts, John
G-. Heives and C. W. Slagle, who shall continue
in office until others shall be chosen in their place,
and so, from time to time, the Directors who may
be duly elected shall continue in office and hold
over until others are elected in their stead.
First Direc-
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the Directors
aforesaid, or the survivors of them, and those who
may from time to time be duly elected, shall, as
soon as may be after their election, appoint from
among their number a President and two Vice
Presidents, and the same re-appoint and remove
at pleasure, and said Directors shall have power to
fill vacancies in their board occasioned by death,
resignation, removal from the State or otherwise,
and to make all such by-laws, not inconsistent with
this charter or the laws of this State, or the United
States, as they may deem proper, for the manage-
ment of the affairs of said corporation, the holding
of elections, the transfer of stock, and calling in of
subscriptions thereto, and they shall have power
to alter or amend the said by-laws from time to
To elect Pres-
ident and Vice
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That five of the Di-
rectors for the time being shall constitute a quo-
rum for the transaction of business, and all com-
mittees, officers, clerks or servants authorized or
created by this charter or act of incorporation shall
be appointed by the Directors aforesaid; and said
Directors may from time to time re-construct, re-
pair, alter or remodel any edifice or edifices, stand-
ing or to be erected on any real or leasehold estate,
that may be acquired or held by said corporation
Five Direc-
tors to Consti-
tu tea quorum.