section of the fourth Article of the Code of Public
General Laws.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That Martin John
Spaulding, Archbishop of Baltimore, and his suc-
cessors in the See of Baltimore, in perpetuity, be
and he, and they, are hereby made and constitu-
ted in the order in which they may hold and enjoy
the said See, incumbents of the office of Honorary
President of said Rock Hill College.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the General
Assembly of Maryland, hereby expressly reserves
the power at all times to repeal, alter or amend
this charter; provided however, that when the said
charter shall be repealed, all the property, real,
personal and mixed, then belonging to the said
association, or their successors in possession, or
action, shall remain with and belong to the pro-
per owners thereof, their assignees or legal repre-
A Bill entitled, AN ACT to add additional sections
to Article 1st of the Code of Public Local Laws
for Allegany county, relating to the drawing
and summoning of Jurors, to be arranged un-
der the head of "Jurors," in said county.
Passed Feb.
17, 1865.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That it shall be the duty of the
Judges of the Orphans' Court of Allegany county,
in conjunction with the Judge of the Circuit Court
of said county, at such day in the month of July,
in each and every year, as they shall agree upon,
to select the names of three hundred citizens of
said county, from the list to be furnished as here-
inafter provided, and from the names of other
voters in said county, who are qualified to serve as
Jurors under the laws of the State ; and to cause
the said three hundred names to be fairly written,
each on a separate piece of paper or ballot, and
each piece of paper or ballot, upon which such
Jurors, how