Passed Feb.
23, 1866.
AN ACT to incorporate Rock Hill College, under
the direction of the Brothers of the Christian
Schools, Ellicotts Mills, Howard county, Mary-
ted for literary
and education-
al purposes.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That John McMahon, known
as brother Bettelin; Henry Wall, known as brother
Tobias; Alexander McGavock, known as brother
Savinian; Francis Hofman, know as brother Oswin;
Eneas Fanen, known as brother Tatian, and their
successor's, be and they are hereby perpetually
created and made a body politic by the name of
Rock Hill College, under the direction of the
brothers of the Christian Schools, with a view to
charitable, literary and educational purposes; and
by that name shall have succession with power to
name and elect officers, make and amend a consti-
tution and by-laws for their government, not in-
consistent with the laws of this State or of the
United States, with power and authority to pro-
vide for the admission, removal and rejection of
members, to have and use a common seal, with
the privilege of altering the same at pleasure, to
confer the degree of A. B. and A. M. and such
other degrees as are now by law conferred by the
colleges of this State, to purchase or take and
hold, by deed or otherwise, any property, real,
personal and mixed, the annual income of which
exclusive of libraries and philosophical and chemi-
cal and other apparatus intended for and in use of
the college shall not have an actual annual value
of more than ten thousand dollars, and the same,
or any part thereof, to dispose of at their pleasure,
and to execute such deed or deeds as may be neces-
sary therefor, to sue and be sued, plead and be
impleaded, but nothing herein contained shall be
so construed as to confer any banking privileges
upon the said corporation, or any authority to
issue any note, certificate, device or token, to be
used as currency ; provided, that a majority of
said corporators and their successors, shall at all
times be citizens of the United States, or persons
who shall comply with the conditions of the first