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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 14   View pdf image
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name shall be written, as near as may be to re-
semble each other, so that the name will not ap-
pear, and so folded that they may not be distin-
guished from each other, and to place the said
pieces of paper or ballot thus prepared, in a box
prepared for the purpose at the expense of the
county, and the box containing the said ballots
shall then be securely locked and sealed up by the
Judges of said Orphans' Court and Judge of the
Circuit Court.

Duty of Clerk
to Commis-

SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That in order to assist
said Judges of the Orphans' and Circuit Courts in
making the list of names aforesaid, the Clerk to
the Commissioners of said county shall, on or be-
fore the first day of July next, after the passage
of this act, and every second year thereafter, lodge
with the Register of Wills of said county, a cer-
tified list of taxable male white citizens of each
election district of said county ; and the said
Clerk shall receive such compensation for his ser-
vices as the said -County Commissioners may think
just and proper.

Box to be
opened in pre-
sence of Clerk,

SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That the said Judges, or
some one appointed by them, and in their pre-
sence, within forty days, and not less than twenty
days prior to the commencement of the several
terms of the Circuit Court for said County, shall
open the said box in the presence of the Clerk of
said Circuit Court, or his Deputy, and the Regis-
ter of Wills of said county, and shall draw one
by one, forty-eight names or ballots from said
box, for the October and April terms of said Cir-
cuit Court, and twenty-five names or ballots for
the January term thereof, and the persons so
drawn shall serve as Jurors at such terms of said
Circuit Court for which they were drawn ; and
the said Clerk of said Circuit Court shall make
out a list of the names of the persons drawn as
aforesaid, to serve as Jurors as aforesaid, and
shall file the same among the records of his office,


and record them among the proceedings of said
Circuit Court ; provided, however, that in case
any one should be drawn to serve as Juror an afore-
said, who shall make it appear to the Judge of
the Circuit Court, by good and sufficient reasons,
that he cannot attend said term of said Court for
which he may be so drawn, it shall and may be

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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 14   View pdf image
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