CHAP. 8.
cases the officer shall not sell unless the property
offered shall bring more than one hundred dollars.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all wearing ap-
parel, books, and the tools of mechanics shall be
exempt from execution, in addition to the property
hereinbefore exempted, but this shall not apply to
any books or tools kept for sale.
Not to im-
pair lien.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the preceding
sections relating to exemptions shall not impair the
lien of any vendor for the purchase money of land,
nor of any mortgage, nor of any mechanic or other
person, for any debt contracted for or in aid of the
erection of any building; nor from any levy there-
on for taxes.
Not to ap-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the exemption
herein- shall not apply to any execution on a judg-
ment rendered on any contract, or to any liabilities
which now exist or may exist when this act shall
take effect.
Passed May
8, 1861.
AN ACT to relieve the Mayor and members of
the 'Board' of Police of the city of Baltimore, and
all persons who acted under their orders, in their
efforts to maintain peace and good order, and
prevent further strife on and after the occur-
rences of the nineteenth of April, eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-one, in said city, from prosecu-
tion for, or in consequence of their acts of obe-
dience to said orders.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Mayor and members of the
Board of Police of the city of Baltimore and all per-
sons who acted under their orders, in their efforts
to maintain peace and good order, and prevent fur-
ther strife on and after the occurrences on the nine-