Justice of the Peace of this State, in the several
counties respectively, by the provisions of the six-
ty-sixth article of the Code of General Law of
Maryland in regard to Free Negroes and Mulattoes;
and that this act take effect and go into operation
immediately on its passage.
CHAP. 7.
AN ACT to amend the eighty-third Article of the
Code of Public General Laws by exempting a
certain amount of property from execution.
Passed May
8, 1861.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That one hundred dollars worth oi
property of each defendant therein shall be exempt
from execution issued on any judgment in any
civil proceeding whatever, except on judgments for
breach of promise to marry or for seduction.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That each defendant
in any such execution may select property real or
personal, to the value of one hundred dollars to be
ascertained by three disinterested appraisers, to be
summoned and sworn by the officer at the time of
levying the execution and the appraisement signed
by the appraisers, shall be returned with the writ.
with writ.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if any property
of any defendant whether real or personal, cannot
be divided so as to set apart a portion of it of the
value of one hundred dollars, without loss and
injuring to all parties concerned, then the -whole
shall be sold, and the defendant whose property is
so sold, shall have one hundred dollars of the pro-
ceeds in money and whether the property can be
divided without loss shall be determined by the
appraisers; this section only to apply to cases
where a single parcel of laud or single article of
personal property is levied on, and in all such
by Apprai-