CHAP. 99.
Justices of the
Peace and
Justices of the Peace and Constables for Dorchester
county, to wit: for election district number one, two
Justices of the Peace and one constable; for election
district number two, two Justices of the Peace and
one constable; for election district number three,
four Justices of the the Peace and three constables;
for election district number four, three Justices of
the Peace and two constables; for election district
number five, two Justices of the Peace and one con-
stable; for election district number six two Justi-
ces of the Peace and one constable; election district
number seven is hereby divided into two election
districts, viz: seven or Cambridge district and
thirteen or Bucktown district and is contained in
the following bounds and limits: beginning at the
mouth of Black Water River and running up said
river until it comes to the fork of the same; then
with the east branch up to Maple dam bridge, then
with the county road southerly, until it intersects
David M. Corkrans road, then with said road to
to Martin's road, then by and with Martin's road
until it intersects the county road leading from
Bucktown to Cambridge, at or near Levin Mow-
bray's gate, then with said road leading from Buck-
town to Cambridge north until it intersects the
Cordtown road, then with the Cordtown road until
it intersects the road leading from Vienna to Cam-
bridge, then with said road to the corner of
Doct. Curt's oat-field and intersecting a road leading
from the Cambridge and Vienna road to Airies, then
by and with said road to Transquaking bridge, then
with the Transquaking river to its mouth; the
election for said thirteenth or Bucktown district
shall be held in the. village of Bucktown at such
place as the judges of election may determine; for
election district number seven, three Justices of the
Peace and three constables, one of which constables
shall always be elected from that portion of said
district known as Town Point; for election district
number eight, two Justices of the Peace and one
constable; for election district number nine, two
Justices of the Peace and one constable; for election
district number ten, two Justices of the Peace and
one constable;. for election district number eleven
two Justices of the Peace and one constable; for
election district number twelve, two Justices of the