CHAP. 98.
Removal of
On petition by any of the parties under affidavit
or by solicitor or otherwise, by or in behalf of the
petitioners, that the removal is not intended for de-
lay, any causes now or hereafter pending in Equi-
ty in the Superior court of Baltimore city, and in
the Circuit court for Baltimore city respectively,
before or after decree may by the respective courts
aforesaid, be ordered to be removed and transferred
from the one to the other of said courts; and all
the papers and proceeding, shall be transmitted ac-
cordingly; and the cases be thereafter proceeded
with as if originated in the courts respectively, to
which the removal shall take place; provided,
however, that no further removal of such causes shall
hereby be authorized.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act
shall take effect from the passage thereof.
Passed Aug
7, 1861.
AN ACT to amend the Code of Public Local Laws,
article nineteenth, section one hundred and thir-
ty-sis, relating, to the boundaries of the town of
Princess Anne, in Somerset county, by repealing
said section, one hundred and thirty-six, and in-
serting in lieu thereof the following:
to be defined.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the commissioners of Somerset
county, be and they are hereby authorized and em-
powered, to appoint three persons, residents of said
county, who shall have power, and are hereby au-
thorized and directed to lay out and define the
boundaries and limits of the town of Princess Ann
in said county.
Record of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said com-
missioners so as aforesaid appointed, shall cause a
record and plot of their proceedings to be made,