CHAP. 74.
ty-third, twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth Articles
of the Declaration of Rights, or any of them; or of
the existing, or any future provisions of the Code
touching the writ of habeas corpus, or proceedings
thereunder, shall bo commenced within three years
from the time, the cause of action accrued; and all
actions on the case for words, and actions of as-
sault, battery and wounding, or any of them, with-
in one year from the time the cause of action ac-
crued; this section not to apply to such accounts,
as concern the trade or merchandise between mer-
chant and merchants, their factors and servants
which are not residents within this State.
In force.
SEC, 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from, and immediately after its passage.
Passed June
25, 1861.
AN ACT to divide the western poll of District No,
two in Frederick county, into two polls.
Division of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the poll of District number two,
in Frederick county, now known as the western poll,
be and it is hereby divided into two polls by running
from the Monocacy Bridge, on Georgetown Turn-
pike road to Frederick city, and thence through
Market street in said city to the intersection of
Market and Second streets, then with Second street
westerly to Bentz street, then with Bentz street
northerly, to Fourth street, then with the new cut
or high Knob public road to the western line of
said District number two.
Place of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all the voters
west and south of said line in said district, shall
vote at such place in Frederick city as may be
chosen by the county commissioners, who are
hereby directed to provide the same; and all the
voters residing in the remaining portion of the said
western poll, hereby divided into two polls, shall
vote at Primary School house number seventy-one,
in north Market street, Frederick city.