tity to fee taken in any one week to ten bushels,
and shall be granted only to residents of this State;
and any person taking oysters from said Bay with-
out such permit, or exceeding the quantity named
therein, shall be deemed a violator of this act; each
justice of the peace shall be entitled to receive fifty
cents for every permit so granted.
CHAP. 58.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any person viola-
ting this act shall upon conviction before a Justice
of the Peace for every offence, forfeit and pay to
the informer the sum of ten dollars, with all costs
of prosecution, and if a negro and unable to pay
the fine, the Justice of the Peace shall order the
constable to inflict upon his person not over thirty-
nine lashes.
SEC. 4. And Be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect on and from the first day of July next.
In force.
AN ACT to legalize and make valid a deed from
William R. Steele, Executor of Joseph Steele,
late of Carroll county, deceased, to John T.
Passed June
14, 1861.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That a deed made and executed, and ac-
knowledged on the nineteenth day of January, in the
year eighteen hundred and sixty-one, by William R.
Steele, executor of Joseph Steele, late of Carroll
county, deceased, to John T. Steele, and recorded
among the Land Records of Carroll county, in Li-
ber G. E, W., number twenty-seven, Folio four hun-
dred and eighty-seven, &c., be and the same is
hereby legalized and made valid and effectual to
Deed made
all intents and purposes; provided, that the rights
of third parties be not prejudiced thereby.
SEC. 2. And fie it further enacted, That this act
shall take effect from the day of its passage.
In force.