CHAP. 51.
shall be placed by the Judges themselves, with
their own hands, on the day of said meeting and
immediately before the drawing herein provide
ed for, in a drawing wheel to be procured for
that purpose by the Sheriff of Baltimore city, under
the direction of said Judges; the said Judges
shall then cause the said Sheriff, or such one of his
deputies as he shall designate, to appear before
them, and it shall be the duty of the said Sheriff,
or his said deputy, in the presence of the said
Judges and of such other person or persons as may
choose to attend, to draw, one by one, from the
said wheel, all the ballots contained therein; and
the said Judges shall cause the said wheel to be
turned on its axis, before the commencement of said
drawing, after the ballots shall have been deposited
therein, and after the drawing of each ballot and
before the drawing of the next, until the whole of
said ballots shall have been drawn; the names
appearing on said ballots, as drawn, shall be duly
recorded by the said Judges, or by some person in
their presence and by and under their personal di-
rection and inspection, in the order in which they
shall be drawn as aforesaid; which the said Judges
shall certify at the foot of said list to have been
Penalty for
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That any officer, depu-
ty or person whatsoever, who shall fraudulently
mark, or designate, or open, or leave open, or cause
or knowingly permit to be marked or designated,,
or opened or left open, any ballot or ballots for
Jurors, which shall be prepared for the purpose of
being draws under this article, or who by any
fraudulent contrivance, device or collusion what-
soever, shall prepare, or arrange, or cause or know-
ingly permit to be prepared or arranged any ballot
or ballots aforesaid, so that the same or any there-
of may be known or recognized in the drawing
thereof, or for the purpose of their being so known
or recognized; and any person or persons who
shall in any way fraudulently or collusively deal,
or conspire, or contrive to deal with the ballots
aforesaid, or any of them, or the drawing thereof,
or with the preparation or folding of said ballot or
ballots, or with the wheel aforesaid, so that the
fair operation and lawful and impartial execution