by the City Register out of any money not other-
wise appropriated in the city Treasury.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted and ordained, That the
Register of the city be and he is hereby authorized
to raise the said sum, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, as aforesaid, by issuing the promissory
notes of the city, in such amounts, as the Mayor
and Register of the city may approve, be and the
same is hereby ratified and confirmed.
CHAP. 3.
SBC. 2, Be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect immediately from and after its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to amend the seventeenth, nineteenth,
twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh and twenty-ninth
sections of Article fifty-four of the Code of Public
General Laws relating to the Land Office.
Passed May
1, 1861.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the seventeenth, nineteenth, twenty-
sixth, twenty-seventh and twenty-ninth sections
relating to the Land Office of Article fifty-four of the
Code of Public General Laws be, and the same are
hereby repealed, and the following enacted as a
substitute therefor:
SECTION. 1. That any person desiring to take up
vacant land or lands which has escheated, shall
obtain a warrant from the Commissioner of the
Land Office, directed to the Surveyor of the county
where the land lies, requiring him to survey the
same, and return a certificate of survey to the Land
Office within one year from the date of the warrant
and such warrant may be in the form heretofore
used in the Land Office, and may be either a com-
mon warrant, a special warrant, a warrant of re-
survey, a proclamation warrant or a escheat warrant
whichever may be suited to the case of the party
applying for the same.
To obtain a