CHAP. 2.
to appropri-
ate money.
In force.
hereby authorized to raise and appropriate at their
discretion and in the modes and at the times which
they may judge best, all moneys whatsoever, which
they may deem necessary and proper for the de-
fence and protection of the said city, and to pro vide for
the payment of the same by taxation or otherwise.,
as they may deem most advisable; and this act
shall take effect immediately from and after its
Passed April
27, 1861.
AN ACT to confirm and ratify an ordinance of
of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore enti-
tled, "An Ordinance to appropriate five hundred
thousand Dollars, or so much thereof as may be
necessary for the defence of the city, against any
dangers that may arise out of the present crisis; "
approved on the twentieth April, eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-one.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the ordinance of the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore, approved the twentieth
of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, which
said ordinance is in words and figures following,
to wit:
"An Ordinance to appropriate five hundred thou-
sand dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces-
sary for the defence of the city, against any danger
that may arise out of the present crisis.
Sum appro-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That the sum
of five hundred thousand dollars, or so much there-
of as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby
appropriated for the purpose of putting the city in
complete state of defence, against any description
of danger arising, or which may arise out of the
present crisis, the same to be expended under the
direction of the Mayor of the city, and to be paid