CHAP. 3.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person
may obtain a common warrant, special warrant or
proclamation warrant by applying to the Commis-
sioner of the Land Office, and paying him (unless
the land lies in Allegany or Washington counties)
the sum of twenty-five cents per acre for each acre
mentioned in such warrant, and if the land lies in
Allegany county, the sum of ten cents per acre,
and if the land lies in Washington county the sum
of twelve and a half cents per acre.
Vacant land
SEC. 3. Every person who has obtained a
warrant to survey vacant or escheat land, shall,
within one year from the date of such warrant, pay
for the land included in the certificate of survey at
the following rates: For vacant land, not in Alle-
gany or Washington counties, fifty cents per acre,
and if in Allegany county, twenty cents per acre,
and if in Washington county twenty-five cents per
acre, and shall in addition pay the value of any
improvements there may be on any such vacant
land, but there shall be deducted from the purchase
money aforesaid the sum which the party paid upon
obtaining the warrant, and for land which has es-
cheated two-thirds of the real value of the same.
SEC. 4. If any person shall fail to pay within
one year, as required by the preceding sections,
the land may be taken up by any other person un-
der a proclamation warrant or escheat warrant, as
the case may be.
First Appli-
SEC. 5. The person who first applies to the
Commissioner of the Land Office for a warrant du-
ring business hours shall be entitled to the same
upon paying the usual fees and caution money.
Certificate of
SEC. 6. Every certificate of survey shall be
returned to the Land Office within one year from
the date of the warrant, but a warrant may be re-
newed within a year from its date, but not to affect
the rights which any other person may have ac-
quired in the meantime, this not to apply to es-
cheat warrants.
In force.
SECTION 7. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from and after the date of its passage.