CHAP. 46.
Passed June
13, 1861.
AN ACT to amend the fourth Article of the Code
of Public Laws, relating to the city of Baltimore,
by authorizing the Board of Police of said city,
to cause the closing of bar-rooms, bars, drinking-
houses and liquor-shops in said city, and the sale
or furnishing of liquor thereat, when necessary
for the preservation of the public peace.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the fourth Article of the Code of Public
Laws, be, and the same is hereby amended, by
adding thereto the following sections, viz:
closing of bar
SECTION 1. The said Board of Police are further
authorized, whenever in their judgment the public
peace and tranquillity may require, to order and
cause to be effected the temporary closing of any
and all bar-rooms, bars, drinking-houses and liquor
shops in the city of Baltimore, and to forbid the
selling or furnishing of liquors thereat.
SEC. 2. Any proprietor or keeper of any such
drinking place or places as are enumerated in the
last preceding section, who shall refuse or fail to
obey any order of said Board of Police passed in
pursuance thereof, or who shall sell or furnish li-
quor from such place or places during such period
as said Board shall so forbid, shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and subject to indictment therefor,
and shall further be subject to a penalty of not less
than one hundred and fifty dollars for every such
offense, to be recovered by civil proceeding, in the
name of the State, for the use of the said Board.
In force.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall go
into effect from the day of its passage.